spot is a community linked by a wearable that monitors the physiological and external signals of negative thoughts and dialogues. It is a multi tiered service, allowing users to connect in the most basic manner via the wearable, providing wearers with a nudge or warm sensation in negative times.
The community is further linked via an AI powered app, building creative and supportive connections based on their mutual interests, that reflect their authentic self..
The AI builds a community of creatives at varying stages of development with a mix of ages. A group that can support and be supported so it can grow together. spot. is a community whose core is in good deeds, kindness and wellness and we use AI technology to refine that experience.
Initial Research to support Spot.
What is Spot.
spot. can be added to most surfaces including skin in the form of silicone or a non permanent tattoo. There are a variety of textures, finishes and colours of spot. available.
The function of spot. is:
to read physiological data
to feedback alerts
to feedback support in the form of taps and nudges
To create and connect with a supportive and creative community and nurture kindness, support and creativity
What Data is Collected
User Personas
Following on from research, I wanted to use the same categories of women in my concept
Jenny is an early starter in her career as a graphic designer. She still hasn’t worked out her game plan yet on how to manage the negative dialogue
Maria on the other hand, openly embraces it. She is in the middle of her career and uses the negative dialogue to improve her standard of work. She recognises that this is her methods and although sometimes not ideal, it is her coping mechanism.
Maria is a mentor to Jenny on the spot. system.
Julia is the achiever of the group. She is the oldest and highest placed in her career. However, she feels stifled as her job has turned into an administrative and management one rather than creative.
Julia occasionally gets an alert from the system but for the most part, she’s in it to be inspired and to inspire. curating her space and creatively inspiring other in and outside of her network makes her tick.
Personas and Moodboard
User Journeys
Interruption Screens
Disruption to any negative self talk has been shown to be an effective way of breaking a destructive thought pattern. Without Spot. when this happens is at the point when the user realises that they are in a negative thought pattern, and the risk is that this realisation may mean the user is already in deep.
Inspiration for this came from research on programs like MK Ultra and military designs.
Spot. is a wearable that acts as an input/output device. It can read biometric data and identify any fluctuations change in stress hormones, like cortisol, long before the user can and create an intervention - an interruption via sound and image through the app or desktop can create a distraction and allow the user to pull themselves out.
The connection to users on the app means that the user's local and wider network can kick in with support and affirmations to support the user in trouble. This anonymous network can send memes, images sounds and music as an act of kindness, all of which tally up and produce rewards that by using AI are targeted directly to the user's requirements from data collected from browsing, shopping and the user's own preferences in sharing and supporting the other users in the Spot. community.
Spot. Community
The purpose of Spot. is not only to read biometric data and respond, it is to build an altruistic community of users to create a network built on kindness and support that nurtures creativity.
The community like the user personas, is built on a network of beginners, mentors and experienced creatives and basically, the more the user supports, the greater kindness points that are build up
Spot. Rewards
Monthly Rewards Magazine (Julia)
Julia is the experienced creative, established. The magazine includes her monthly stats of helping and AI derived support or donated images from her community. Use the QR code to view the Flipbook